Ramen Eggs: Elevating Your Bowl

Ramen Toppings: Elevating Your Bowl

Ramen, a dish born in Japan but beloved worldwide, consists of four key components: noodles, broth, seasoning, and toppings. While the noodles and broth form the foundation, it's the toppings that allow for creativity and personalization. Here are some popular ramen toppings:


Chashu Pork

Tender, braised pork belly or shoulder adds richness and savory depth to ramen. It's often marinated in a flavorful sauce and then slowly cooked until melt-in-your-mouth tender.



Sheets of dried seaweed, nori, add a hint of oceanic flavor and a satisfying crunch to ramen. They're typically placed on top of the soup or served on the side for dipping.


Scallions(Green Onions)

Freshly sliced scallions or green onions provide a burst of freshness and a mild onion flavor, balancing the richness of the broth and toppings.



Sweet corn kernels bring a touch of sweetness and texture contrast to ramen. They're often added as a topping, either freshly boiled or grilled for a smoky flavor.


Menma (Bamboo Shoots)

Sliced and cooked bamboo shoots, known as menma, offer a unique texture and subtle earthy flavor to ramen. They're often marinated in soy sauce and other seasonings.


Bean Sprouts (Moyashi)

Fresh bean sprouts add a refreshing crunch to ramen, enhancing its texture and providing a contrast to the soft noodles and rich broth.



Sliced shiitake mushrooms or other varieties like enoki or shimeji mushrooms bring an umami-rich flavor and meaty texture to ramen. They can be sautéed or simmered in the broth for added depth.


Ramen Egg (Ajitsuke Tamago)

Now, let's delve deeper into the star of our blog post – the ramen egg.


Ramen Egg: The Perfectly Marinated Delight

Ramen eggs, also known as ajitsuke tamago or seasoned eggs, are soft-boiled eggs marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, and other seasonings. These eggs are prized for their creamy, custard-like yolk and seasoned outer layer, which adds richness and flavor to every bite of ramen.


How to Make Ramen Eggs


Mentsuyu (Japanese multipurpose seasoing)



1) Bring a pot of water with a little salt to a boil.

2) Place the eggs in boiling water and simmer with medium heat. Rotate the egg in the pot with chopsticks a few times during the process to move the yolk to the center of the egg. Cook the eggs for 6.5 minutes.

3) Once the eggs have cooked, immediately place them in an ice water bath and cool down.

4) Peel the shell off the eggs.

5) Place the boiled egg in a ziploc bag and pour in the mentsuyu. Add mentsuyu to cover all the eggs until you reach the desired taste.

Making a soft-boiled egg and marinating it for two days, the flavor will soak into the yolk, and the jelly-like yolk will be more delicious.

The finished ramen egg can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.


Ramen eggs are not only a delicious addition to ramen but also a symbol of the care and attention to detail that goes into crafting the perfect bowl of noodles.

With their creamy texture and seasoned flavor, these eggs elevate the dining experience, turning a simple bowl of soup into a culinary delight. So, the next time you're enjoying a steaming bowl of ramen, don't forget to add a ramen egg – it's sure to take your meal to the next level!



Visit our Amazon US store to get our gluten-free mentsuyu!

Fava Bean Mentsuyu

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