Unveiling the Hidden Gem: Exploring the Relaxing Effect of Matcha

Unveiling the Hidden Gem: Exploring the Relaxing Effect of Matcha


Matcha is not only delicious. Matcha is said to have a relaxing effect. But why is that?

Because matcha contains high levels of L-theanine, an amino acid abundant in tea leaves, particularly green tea, and renowned for its remarkable health benefits.


Great Relaxing Effect of Matcha

If you've ever wondered why a cup of tea leaves you feeling relaxed and focused, L-theanine might just hold the key.

Coffee, on the other hand, does not contain theanine, and its caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, increasing sympathetic nerve function and leading to a state of excitement. 


While coffee is good for waking up drowsy and temporarily improving concentration, it has a different effect than matcha.

One study has shown that the perfect balance of caffeine and theanine may reduce the effects of psychological stress and increase stress tolerance. 


Matcha tea contains caffeine, which has a stimulant effect, but another component, theanine, inhibits its action, so it does not cause excitement. It helps to relax and prepare the mind for a clear, bright state of mind.

This theanine itself also has relaxing and anti-stress effects. Theanine produces alpha waves 30 to 40 minutes after ingestion, and increased intake has been shown to be effective for people with high anxiety tendencies. 


Tea Ceremony and Mindfulness

Practicing the tea ceremony can also help to lighten irritability, anxiety, and other unpleasant emotions. It is said that the feelings that have been clogging up the mind are digested, and the feeling is as if one feels lighter.


There are many ways to digest negative emotions, but we have all had the experience of feeling relieved after a night's sleep or feeling like nothing matters when we are anxious, sad, or angry. Negative emotions at a general level are naturally digested by giving the mind sufficient rest and allowing it to recover its natural functions.


In tea ceremony practice, we concentrate on the "present moment. This allows us to temporarily take refuge from our thoughts and worries. Then, in a peaceful space surrounded by natural items, you can have a moment of relaxation and your mind can take a deep rest. This helps to digest negative emotions.



Matcha and mindfulness seem to have a great deal in common.


If you are interested in mindfulness, why not take a break from your day and make yourself a cup of matcha tea?



Our organic matcha green tea powder

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